Post Op Instructions

Post Op Dental Implant Instructions

Dental implants offer a perfect replacement method for missing teeth. They are placed into upper or lower jaws, and once integrated with the bone, are a solid root replacement to which replacement teeth can be anchored.

Since a local anesthetic is used to freeze the site of implant placement, it is recommended not to eat anything until the anesthetic wears off, as you might accidentally bite your lips, tongue, or inside of your cheeks and cause some damage.

You will likely have some discomfort when the anesthesia wears off; take your non-aspirin pain medication(s) as directed by your dental surgeon, being careful to follow any directions on the label.

If an antibiotic has been prescribed to prevent infection, take it as instructed until all the tablets are finished.

A certain amount of swelling should be expected as a normal body response. Application of an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the area helps minimize swelling, alternating ever 20 minutes on and off, for the first 24-48 hours after your implant surgery.

Minor bleeding from the site of implant surgery may occur for the first 48 hours . If it persists, apply continuous, light pressure for 30 minutes with a moistened gauze or tea bag. Should bleeding continue or increase, please notify the dentist.

Avoid any strenuous physical activity for the first 2-3 days to prevent or minimize severe bleeding.

After 24 hours, regular rinses, 2-3 times per day, with warm salt water will help keep the area clean and promote healing. Avoid brushing the surgical area for the first week after surgery or as instructed by your doctor. Do not be concerned if there is mild bleeding from the site for the first few days.

After the freezing wears off, follow a soft food diet, taking care to avoid the surgical site when chewing. Chew on the opposite side and do NOT bite into food if the procedure was done in the front of the mouth. Avoid sticky, hard, extremely spicy or acidic foods to avoid aggravating the healing of the surgical sites. Soft foods are best for the first days, maintaining nutritional intake and fluids to promote healing.

A liquid diet or meal replacement drink may be used for the first one or two meals, after which soft food can be eaten until you feel ready to go back to your regular diet.

Do not consume “fizzy” or carbonated beverages or drink anything through a straw for 48 HOURS.

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