Vancouver Surgical Centre For Implant & Periodontal Treatment
Dental Procedures
Often, when dentists refer to teeth extractions, it's pertaining to impacted wisdom teeth, which tend to bring on discomfort, cause inflammation and infection as they emerge, through the gums, into the mouth and apply pressure against surrounding teeth. In these, or in extreme circumstances, cysts can form, surrounding the wisdom teeth and impeding on the overall well-being of the jawbone. Extraction will be very strongly recommended.
When extractions are pertaining to any teeth besides wisdom teeth, a tooth extraction is rarely considered by Implant Perio Centre, until we have explored all possible options to salvage the tooth, not limited to root canal therapy. If the tooth has suffered from trauma, is decayed, or is lacking from a gross loss of bone surrounding the tooth (an effect of periodontal disease) and the tooth is easily moveable, then our practitioners may implore you to remove the tooth in order to conserve the vitality of surrounding teeth, as well as your overall oral health.
For any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our office!